Tuesday, January 04, 2011

A Return to Biblical Worship!

Pastor Zhang again delivered a cracking sermon on Sunday, about the need for us to worship God in the way that He has dictated to us. In other words, he was exhorting us to return to Biblical Worship, as opposed to merely a diluted worship.

What a great sermon to follow up on his Nehemiah series! To doubly sweeten the whole experience, he was actually revealing the theme of 2011 for the church. “To return to Biblical Worship”. Usually, when he introduces the church’s theme for the year, I expect 45 minutes of agenda pushing to come up, something which I never did like. Yet this time, he managed to brilliantly marry the agenda with biblical exposition. The end result? A Word-centered sermon that called on people to respond to God, which coincided nicely with a theme that also calls for a return to the Word.

My heart was singing with gladness, since I was recently pushing for the Nurture Committee to take a good hard look at the level of biblical literacy we currently have in church, and to make that a priority for this year.

In my heart, I again heard the whisper of Edmund Chan, as he firmly declared that God is good, God is in control, and God will bring it to pass”!!

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