Saturday, November 06, 2004

Murphy's Law

So I ended my last entry talking abt how I hope I pass my driving before Weimin and Jean does. Turns out I'm the only one who failed. Wuahahahahaha... Talk abt irony. And Jean actually passed her driving with just 2 miserable points, while I chalked up 34. All that with the same warm-up instructor and the same tester!!! Bloody hell. Grins. But still, really glad for Weimin that she finally passed. Was starting to really worry for her if she had failed. It was her 5th time already.

Its been a pretty interesting week all in all. Watched Shark's Tale with Paul, practiced hard for my driving, had a bit of time to myself to just do some thinking, and also to take a few customary hits every week. One of which was the really bewildering news that Ruth's parents don't want her talking to me. Grins. I had ABSOLUTELY no idea how in the world I got into trouble with them man. And esp since I'm always so good with parents, being on the bad side of them actually is a most unfamiliar feeling for me. Ah well. It started as Ruth just mentioning that her mom told her to not talk to me. Didn't think too much abt that at first. Made a mental note to not msg her so much nonsense, that's all. Later that night, when we said hi on ICQ, her dad pulled the connection after seeing her talking to me. Whoa! Man, that's when I realized something was up. Anyway, spooky...

Moving on to another Ruth now. ARPC finally finished its series on the book of Ruth. And I think Andrew Ong did a pretty good job of wrapping it up. He's actually coming along really fine as a preacher. Much better than Sim Boon Yong actually. Weixiu actually kept on hounding me because I mentioned that his msg was actually pretty unsatisfactory, since it left a lot of gaping holes in what tried to present. Man... she wouldn't let up for the whole darned week. *shudder* THAT'S the girl pple want me to spend the rest of my life with?????

Ah well. One other thing that came back to hound me was when Ruth mentioned how Grace looked pretty upset after bumping into me. Came as a little bit of a shock actually. Thought she would have been over me already. Esp with Andrew by her side. Grins. Ah well. Friday night I got to spend some time with Zhanhao and Michael, and Zhan Hao suddenly mentioned Grace in a particular context, asking if I broke up with her because she refused to pander to me, and pamper me. Grins. Man, I was so tempted to tell him the truth of how it was the other way around, that she left me after I refused to pander to her anymore. Grins. But with Michael ard as well, I decided not to say anything la. So I blamed it all on Paul, making it known that he was the third party that split us up. Grins.

It gets better. Ben also came up in the conversation, and I can't help but wonder what really goes on in his head. Does he not like me simply because he wants to pander to Andrew? Or is it because he failed to steal my girlfriend and knows he looks really bad for having tried? Grins. Anyway, he's just abt the only person whom I really don't understand. Simply cos I refuse to believe how anyone could be THAT stupid. Ah well.

Speaking of stupidity now (I'm on a roll, baby...), Bush won the elections against Kerry. BLOODY HELL. And if that wasn't bad enough, that America had so many morons who actually bought Bush's spin, it seems that a lotta S'poreans are actually very glad too, that Bush won. Can you believe that??? I hope these pple like terrorists and a bad economy, cos those are the only 2 things Bush produced in the first 4 yrs. God knows he doesn't look like he's gonna be able to do much better in the next 4.

Been having a couple of weird dreams lately also. One was that I was shopping in a supermarket somewhere, and bumped into Serene, and ended up doing my shopping with her. I don't even know where to begin wondering abt that. Another night I dreamt I was talking to Weimin abt something in church, when Fort Canning suddenly became a volcano and erupted. With everyone running for their lives, I was trying to look for her cos she's disappeared. So it was like a nightmare, seeing the church burn down, pple running for their lives. And halfway through, I saw Ruth with her family and so had to avoid running into them (Guess I know where THAT came from, at least. Grins.). All in all, I woke up with a sense of amazement at the sheer stupidity of my dreams. This doesn't include the number of dreams I had of the many scenarios in which I could fail my exams and end up penniless, loveless, gutless.

Oh wait, I already am pretty gutless.


No wait. Loveless too.

Ah hell, come to think of it, I'm always penniless.


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