Thursday, June 15, 2006

I'm Leaving On A Jet Plane

So I'm gonna be gone till the 28th. Blog's been kindda quiet lately, cos I've been a little preoccupied, and also taking time out for myself. Anyway, I'll leave you with this new gem I picked up from PostSecret, and the song that goes with it. Ravi Zacharias once said "Preach to broken hearts, and you will never lack for an audience." Mebbe that's why the expression of longing always gets pple nodding their heads along. At some level we all want what we cannot have, or do not have. And that's why PostSecret is making so much money...

I was asked - which is more painful, to see someone you love with someone else, or to not see that someone at all. Hmm... I think I answered your question pretty badly, gimme some time to think through it on the trip and I'll try to give a better answer to you when I'm back.

Bye guys... Will be back from my trip with more thoughts, and perhaps a picture or two even!!! Scandinavia, here I come...

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  Just realised the number of views on my page. Absolutely bewildered by who out there still gets redirected to blogs. Surely no advertisers...