Thursday, December 02, 2004

Christmas Wish List

All you people out there who claims to love me... go spread the word!!!

1. CDs. (There a really nice one by Aoife. Or else The Best Of Blue. Or Westlife - Allow Us To Be Frank. Or else just something quite, mebbe mildy celtic.)
2. I need a wall clcok for my new room. A really nice one is sold for only 30 bucks at B1 in Raffles City, beside the flower shop.
3. Vouchers are always welcome. Grins. I accept VISA and AMEX offers too. Even Mastercard!!
4. If anyone won lottery and wants to buy me the iPod, I'll kiss the bloke - male or female. Hell, if a dog bought me that, I'd kiss the dog too.
5. Who's the Boss? Season 2. (I'd marry the person who manages to find this.)
6. Peugeot Gti 206, aka Annette. *grins*

Notice how for this entry I've decided to leave the fonts larger than usual.


Now, all my fans out there... show me how much you all worship me!!!!!



- said...

hahaha. if i find who's the boss season 2, ill give it to weixiu, and tell her to give it to you!!

Anonymous said...

im boooreeed. hey what about mcdonalds' vouchers. i could get lotsa those. grins.

Vanion said...

I see I just died and went to hell...

Anonymous said...

hey! i remember the first time i commented on your blog, it was cos of who's the boss. think i said sthg like who's the boss? rocks or sthg like that. HEHEHE. and WHY oh WHY do you like blue and westlife. i thought they were for teenyboppers or sthg. grin.


  Just realised the number of views on my page. Absolutely bewildered by who out there still gets redirected to blogs. Surely no advertisers...