Wednesday, May 18, 2005

What's Next, Doc?

Many things have happened since my last blog.

Well, not so much many things as basically significant things. I'm finally attached again.

Nah... Just kidding. Grins.

On sunday, which by the way was Pentecostal Sunday, our Youth Service was officially dubbed as the 2nd Service in the church. It was a pretty eventful service, as the whole Youth Service congregation sat in the main sanctuary, and we were recognised by the main congregation for how far we've come. I guess for the few of us who were there since the very beginning, it was a very poignant moment. As much as we look back on the past 4 years with a tinge of nostalgia, and awe at how God's hand is always so evident after the events had passed, we were also very much looking forward with a great deal of apprehension. With a change in service time coming up, this is really gonna be our next faith stretching encounter. And with the Levite Ministry wanting to further expand our scope, but still working with the same limitations, I guess its times like this that I again have to sometimes look back at God's track record, and take an almost-blind leap of faith that He will somehow make it work again.

Have been asked by my sister to sing a song at her wedding. Half of me is actually wondering if I should make a fool of myself and ruin her wedding at the same time by doing something like that, the other half of me swings naturally to the opposite extreme, and wondering if its possible to write a song to surprise her with it.


Patric finally graduated on saturday from SBC, and is now a fully fledged and ordained pastor. But he's chosen to take up a full-time christan worker job, without the baggage of being a pastor. Ah well. Its what he's always wanted. I must say I have a sneaking suspicion he chose the right thing to do.

This morning, I woke up at 7 to go down to the airport. Did my quiet time there, then met up with Syl and her repetoire of friends all there to send her off. 3 months ain't exactly a long period of time, nor is it a terribly short one at that. So I guess most of us wanted to send her off more as an encouragement to her. After all, she has actually been one of the few people in my life who has always consistently been there for me over all these years. Ah well. She'll be back in no time. And at the airport, I had a really good time with Johann. Grins. He just HAD to be wearing the same color combi as Syl. Man, I was in fits straight away.

Anyway, Weimin and Weixiu had a major nust-up, and Weimin seems to be on a one-way course towards the same self-destructive tendencies that caused me to lose my scholarship and degree, and Paul to lose his driving license and job. Well... at least, I can see that on the cards if she doesn't do something about it. All the classic signs are there. I guess she's big enough now that I shd just let her know I'm concerned, but le her go ahead and make the mistakes if she's bent on them. At least, if it does happen, she'll be trodding a very familiar path to me, and she'll have company. Grins.

Enhan came back from Bintan requiring stitches on his face cos of a fall he suffered, and the bugger still hasn't contacted me to say anything. Sigh.

Ah well. And I bumped into Evelyn not too long ago, who told me that there's a vacancy slot at YMCA, for Programme Executive. Man, if I get the job, it'll be really great cos school is just nearby. Only problem will be that it also means I'll be in Dhoby Ghaut 7 days a week. Not exactly a very exciting prospect.

My mood's been very very erratic lately also. Haven't really been feeling depressed, but also this sense of... ... I dunno. I'd say suspended anticipation, if you wanted a gut feel. But I have no earthly idea what the hell I'm anticipating.

Mebbe Fiona.


More likely, the next big disaster in my life.



Anonymous said...

tot your overdose of energy @ the airport had something to do with someone else being there in close proximity. haha.. faints. or maybe you're just extra crazy cos syl's leaving! ;)

and aiyoh.. stop laughing at hann hann and syl la! so un-edifying. heehee!

Vanion said...

San, at the core of your being is a diabolic streak that belies your innocent exterior.

Esp the jibe abt me being crazy cos Syl's leaving???? What, you're trying to get me into trouble with Hann?????

So un-edifying!!!!


Anonymous said...

looks are deceiving. winks.

and u won't get into trouble with hann hann lah. he's really harmless. hahaha!!! faints.

i mean, if he was harmful, i'll be the first to trottle him. ;)

- said...

ya know wot. alwyn thought that pinkshit was a couple - 2 people - using the same screen name. you ARE schizo by nature...
hahaa. and now he has the impression that you're gay.


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