Thursday, April 23, 2009

Spiritual Mathematics

Just something that popped into my head today as I was staring at my graphs on Binomial Distribution.

At the back of my head was the bible study discussion for tonight during Life Group, on Hebrews chapter 2. The basic gist was again the reminder to not drift. “Don’t drift!” would have been my catch phrase for the night, had I been leading it. (Thank God Weifeng agreed to take the session. No way would I have had the time to prepare it. As it turned out, I really dodged a bullet. Grins.)

And so there I was, with the graph staring at me, trying to make sense of the MEAN, and the STANDARD DEVIATION, and it suddenly struck me… that’s what our spiritual lives are like! God has given us the Word, which lays down for us what He expects of us. Hebrews 12:14 says “Without holiness, no one can see God.” So, assuming that the Holiness that God expects of us is the MEAN. All of us will fall short of it, veering off to either side of the mark. The question is, how many STANDARD DEVIATIONS are we away from the standard that God has for us?

Some of us fall into the left side, choosing to indulge in our sinful depravity, whilst others fall into the other side, “playing church” and having the “form, but not the power”. Whichever way it is, in some sense that’s what we all are like, isn’t it? We all have our own “standard deviations” away from the MEAN – which is what we’re slowly being called towards – and very often that STANDARD DEVIATION only increases over the years.

Made me think of a very old song, by Hillsongs, called “Believe”. Back then, it struck me how cute the lyrics was, “I say on Sunday, how much I want revival. Then on Monday, I can’t even find my bible.” Almost 10 years on, its not that funny anymore to realize that there’s a part of me that still hasn’t changed. I’m still feeling the exact things that the rest of the song goes on to talk about. And if it had been a new song that just came out yesterday, I’d be raving about “this awesome song that totally describes how I feel…”

So, yes… once more its back to basics.

Lord, I believe in You. I believe in the power of Your Word and its Truth. I believe in You. So I lay down my cause, that my cross might be found in You.

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