Sunday, March 06, 2005

My Life Sucks

Was just talking to someone abouut her 'unrequited crush'. Hehz... Well, not exactly talk la. But yeah, we were touching on the topic. I'm supposing almost everyone has had their unrequited crushes, their little little pool of "could-have-been"s, of people whom they've desperately liked and harboured feelings for, which they at the same time knew could probably never ever be reciprocated.


Yeah. And I'm not talking abt those play-play ones, like Michelle Chia or even Jean. I'm talking abt those whom you've gotten to know very well, or at least reasonably well, but because you know things aren't possible between you two, you close up that part of yourself and inevitably end up closing off your whole self and let the friendship slide into something almost superficial.

I've just had a conversation of sorts with the cell via yahoogroups, where we were all talking abt opening up ourselves and risk getting hurt. And I was just telling them I feel like I'm the only Romantic left, who doesn't see any meaning in living a life so well protected that it almost seems unlived. And then the whole cell wrongly reads me to have claimed to be the only one who knows how to be romantic. Sigh.

But yeah, being a Romantic means that I'd much prefer the pain of suffering unrequited crushes, rather than a heart willing to feel anything only on the condition that it will be reciprocated. And so, to my friend whom I was talking to... yes, I know the pain of longing, that coupled with the sense and frustration of helplessness can really sometimes drive one to the brink of insanity... of living one day in that state of turmoil, then going through a week where the malady seems to have left, only to have it return when least expected - only stronger and more intense. Worst still, one has to act so sane on the outside, in front of everyone, especially when facing up to The One. But I guess that's what stops me from living a life that's devoid of any feelings or meaning.

And no, I'm not talking about Paul...


The week's been pretty busy even though I'm still jobless. Ironed out the rest of the Levite Ministry presentation only for the Core Group meeting agenda to be hijacked by Zhang Mu Shi who wanted to talk about another issue. Sigh. Ah well. At least we cleared that up. Next project to start on REAL soon will be the praise and worship for May.

Still feeling pissed at my dad for not letting me drive. Wondering how I can still drive despite what he said... like mebbe ways to drive him up the wall... hehz...

Man Utd just drew with 10 men Crystal Palace, to end off a really crappy week. Sigh. The Dr Jekyl & Mr Hyde displays of them this season somehow seems doubly apt in light of my emotions in recent weeks. Sigh.

One minute high, one minute low.

One minute up, one minute down.

Ah well. On a side note, I keep reaching new lows in my life - I just signed up for membership with Lanlab Online. Yes, I'm now a bona-fide Lan gamer hardcore who for want of something else to do with his time, has chosen to deal with the pain with hours of mindless violence, trying desperately to eeke out a sense of achievement in another plane when the plane of reality seems to offer no hope of ever being able to offer redemption, or at least distract myself from that painful truth.

Playing for service tmr. And I dun even know the chords. Think I'm in deep trouble man.


Someone's blog title for the day was "A Beautiful Morning".

Read mine.


Sngs Alumni said...

I know it sucks, but I think I agree with all parents who don't let their kids drive the first year alone. You have to respect a couple of things:

1) Accidents are more prone to occur during the first year of driving, especially when new drivers are driving alone, or with their friends. (My first accident was with Edwin, Mark and someone else in the car with me, and that med student who hit my car had two other friends in his vehicle. Dumbass. I hope he doesn't screw up my botox injections next week.)

2) It IS their car.

My mom had me on her own system of probation - it was one year driving with her in the car, irritating comments included, or nothing at all.

Suck it up, baby - unless you suddenly strike lottery twice or three times over to pay off your loans, pay for your school, AND buy a car.

And just so that you harbour no more romantic illusions about the comments thing - NO, THEY NEVER GO AWAY. My mom still says all sorts of stuff when I drive.

Anonymous said...

OEI you stop maligning me arh. telling my number one <33 that i have been stalking you !!?!!? IDIOT :D
anyways, i had a bad week too.

Anonymous said...

everybody is so happy.

Vanion said...

Hehz.. I also agree with parents who don't let their children drive in the first year... that is, except mine. Grins.

And yeah, they will have their irritating comments till kingdom come, and I'll continue my bitching abt their bitching till kingdom come too.


And guess what, even if Bill Gates leaves his whole freakin' fortune to me, and I can afford a full armoured HUMVEE per day, my parents will still have a hundred and one things to say abt my driving still. Prob still not allow me to drive too.


Anonymous said...



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