Friday, January 20, 2006

Nice Guy No More...

You know how it is when you watch a show that mirrors something you are currently going through, it just heightens the emotions many times over? Or the other times when what you’re watching very much depicts what you very much desire, it stirs the longing in you tenfold?

I think for that reason alone, I really shd stop watching any shows with a romantic theme involved. Unfortunately, not being an action or horror movie fan leaves me with precious little alternatives. As such, sitting at home on a fri afternoon, running through my collection of downloaded stuff, it seems that any show I pick up will leave me either even more depressed, or else even more wistful. I just watched The Promise. Thank God I didn’t catch it at the cinema. Absolutely nonsense.

At least what’s true is that she still falls for the wrong guy despite the good guy doing everything for her, and this so even after she realizes the truth. This yr is barely 20 days old, and already I’ve seen 2 weddings and 2 breakups. 2 very very good breakups, I might add. Always felt that both girls had no idea why they were attracted to the guy in the first place, apart from how the boyfriends had enough money to make them very happy. At least for one of the weddings, I know it isn’t about money. Otherwise I think I’m just about ready to give up on love, and just go with money.

Lots and lots of money. It allows you be a nice guy, do lots of favours, buy all the right things for the girls, have the right resources to help the girls… and all she’ll see is that you’re a good guy, a nice guy. And of course, the subtle idea always forms in the mind, that the guy is either rich because he’s accomplished, or will become accomplished because he has the money to make things happen. So mebbe that’s the way to go, buddy. Maybe if Paul was driving a Porsche around, April would have been more willing to give him consideration. Or mebbe the rock-climbing chick would pay him more attention now. Grins. Perhaps even the 19 yr old. But hell, that’s too easy la. Maybe if I was filthy rich, Fiona would really be with me now, instead of with that rich ACS punk. Hehz…

They sure weren’t kidding abt how money makes the world go round. After all, just go compare the statistics of marriages that go bad when the money dried up, versus the marriages that turned bad when they still had money, and you’ll see.

I went to bed last night, and woke up 4 times with a really bad stomach. Thus my confinement at home today. Feeling kindda grouchy and moody. The thought of just changing myself into someone more mercenary came to my mind then, and the idea that perhaps love and happiness can be bought after all.

Being nice keeps you poor, keeps you single.

So there you go, folks. After Chinese New Year and after Valentines’ Day, being nice shall stop being a priority of mine. Its time for the “new me” to emerge. With any luck, I’ll make something of myself by the time I’m thirty, and then “true love” will come knocking.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Other Anonymous:

Easier said then done, but I do wish you wold not come to so bleak a conclusion about the matter. Try Eccelesiates (darn i hope I spelled that right) -

Yes it feels good to cry doesn't it. Well I think it does anyway, makes me feel human again


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